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Other issues of roses

Other issues of roses

Fall leaves (in greenhouses) may be caused by the fact that after the first down bloomed leaves receive too much light. Powerful ventilation, watering with cold water, large temperature swings can also cause leaf fall. As recovery measures are recommended: careful ventilation, air drying of foliage and soil surface before night.
The emergence of sprouts, and blind? Without buds (in greenhouses), is due to hormonal disorders because their growth stops earlier. Among the causes of man include: low temperature (12-15 ° C), low light, cut too short. More vigorous sprouts blind shortens the weak to leave the bush to make new cuts.
Leaf burn occurs mainly in greenhouses, but sometimes in the field, when after a period of cold and wet weather, drought and high temperatures occur. The leaves turn brown and dry. It can be avoided by increasing the relative humidity (artificial fog, spraying the leaves).

Fatigue soil occurs where roses are planted on land that had been before. Plants exhibit a low growth, low force, just vegetate. Do not know the exact causes of the phenomenon, but it includes the following: nematodes, lack of micro-nutrients, toxins released by former roots etc.. Prevention is by avoiding planting roses on the same land for 3-4 years and by providing large amounts of organic material in the soil. Chemical treatments have proven to be too costly. Hail storm can cause significant damage by breaking or tearing the whole vine and flower wreaths in those with loose torso properly. Repairing the damage in such cases is made by cutting and collecting broken bodies and making splashes Dithane, Systhane Bavidtin that stop infections or fungal diseases.
Deficiency and excess nutrients. In these cases the plants specific symptoms that present in the following:

    Nitrogen deficiency is manifested by shorter, smaller leaves light green, pale colored flowers and present sprouts, and blind?.
    Phosphorus deficiency - leaves become dark green to bluish leaf necrosis may occur unevenly distributed, the increases are small, the flowers may be missing.
    Potassium deficiency - the upper leaves colorotice symptoms (yellowing) covering the entire leaf and cause necrosis. Color is atypical petals, the flowers are small and few. Decrease plant hardiness.
    iron deficiency - is in the form of coloroza (yellowing) on ​​young leaves, including ribs, and extends the entire leaf and can lead to necrosis.

There are cases supraingrasare or excess of nutrients, which is manifested also by specific symptoms:

    excess nitrogen - is manifested by an increase luxuriant shoots have strength and break easily, plants can easily infest the disease and do not prepare well for winter tissues.
    excess potassium - are rarely observed phenomena can burn leaves and a pale green color to them.
    excess calcium - leading to changing pH and thereby crossing combinations of iron and trace elements in insoluble condition, which causes the appearance clorozelor.
    chlorine compounds - to which roses are quite sensitive, can cause leaf burn and necrosis of young shoots, especially when long time use as fertilizer mineral potassium salt, because it contains more chlorine.

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