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Pest and disease control biological and clean at roses

Pest and disease control biological and clean

This method is nowadays more and more used to that, besides reducing pollution caused by the use of poisons for humans and animals are savings, knowing that pesticides are quite expensive. Biological control can be achieved by different liquors and herbal extracts, whose cooking is handy. Using the formulas described below is recommended especially in gardens near the house, for amateurs.

Baking powder

Lately, much has been made in combating powdery mildew with sodium hydrocarbonate. Many attempts have been made and in many cases good results were obtained. The recipe is simple: to 1 liter water and add 5-10 g of the preparation is applied directly to the plant. In combination with oil Nima (insect) strengthens the effect of both substances. Not recommended for commercial cultivation because their effect is clear.

Garlic juice

Here is another use for this plant multifunctional! Take a bulb of fresh garlic, splits into cloves and finely chop or crush. Place two tablespoons of paraffin oil for two days, then filter.
Take a few flakes of soap, put in 600 ml of water and shake until soap dissolves. Garlic extract is added to this solution and shake well. This is the basic solution is used in an amount of 10 ml / per liter of water. This natural preparation is effective against aphids, bugs, insects and caterpillars. There are some possibilities to combine the garlic broth with onions and peppers. The latter are made even stronger if you use one.

Broth of garlic, onion and chilli

Boil a few cloves of garlic 4-5 chillies and 2 onions in about 2 liters of water for 15 minutes. Allow to cool and stand overnight. The liquid is filtered, then add soap flakes and milk and stir it as above. It can be especially effective if young plants.

Red pepper or lemon pepper

Chop and crush 5 chilies, then put in 50 ml water. Allow a day to extract the oil, the liquid is filtered. Caution when handling peppers: do not touch your eyes or mucous membranes, wash your hands thoroughly, and uneltel dishes immediately after use. Juice good combat aphids, caterpillars and mites.

Leaf juice rabarber

For its preparation using only the leaves. They are cooked in 1 liter of water, let cool, then filter. The resulting liquid is mixed with an equal amount of soap emulsion (prepared from recipe below). Of the concentrate to make 100 ml of water. It is especially effective against insects and their larvae rodents and the like.

Soap emulsion

Although it sounds strange, soap is an excellent insecticide. The flakes of soap are used in many preparations because they are part of the adhesive on the leaves. Sometimes soap can be replaced with milk. You can use just like Lux soap flakes and Sunlight. They can be purchased in the form of bars and can scrape. To 1 liter of water put two tablespoons of soup flakes and stir well until the emulsion. The liquid is sprayed directly on plants attacked by aphids and other insects.

Treatment with hyssop tea

It is effective against powdery mildew and cons of bacteriosis. It is prepared as follows: Boil some water in the plant is put pieces (fresh or dried). Boil for a few minutes, then let cool then filter. It is used as such. Hyssop plants planted among flowers and roses are a good insect defender.

Treatment with sugar

There is a treatment spray on the ground but manages to destroy nematodes that attack plant roots. Sugar spread on the soil and incorporate with a slight rake. Sugar will destroy drying, worms. A good day to wet soil drain. A sugar solution can be used for the prevention and eradication of red spider.

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